Norway has ended almost all restrictions. These U.S. states — including New York — have higher vaccination rates than Norway.

Anthony LaMesa
2 min readFeb 12, 2022

Highly vaccinated U.S. states should look to Norway for inspiration.

This morning, Norway ended almost all pandemic restrictions:

“The one-metre rule is abolished”

“The requirement to wear face masks is abolished”

“Only adults with symptoms are now advised to get tested for Covid-19”

“The requirement to self-isolate has been downgraded to a recommendation that infected adults stay at home for four days”

“Kindergarten children and school pupils should stay home if ill, but can return after one fever-free day”

“All remaining requirements to show a negative test on arrival at the Norwegian border have been scrapped”

Norway’s tourism Web site isn’t pulling any punches — the country is open:

“From Saturday February 12, you can travel to Norway without having to worry about nothing more than having a good time!”

“No testing, no quarantining, no registration.”


A number of U.S. states — including the state with the country’s largest city —…

